Antminer T19 Upgraded water cooling Auxiliary tool


T19 Upgraded water cooling Auxiliary tool

  • Жеткізу күні: толық төлемнен кейін 3 күн ішінде жеткізіледі.
  • Төлем әдісі: ақша аудару | BTC | USDT(ERC20/TRC20)
  • Application: For  Antminer T19 
  • Better to use with Antminer T19 water cooling kit

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Antminer T19 Upgraded water cooling Auxiliary tool

Better to use with Antminer T19 water cooling kit

Antminer T19 Upgrade Water Cooling Kit is used for Antminer T19 water cooling plate. The heat dissipation efficiency of water cooling is higher than that of air cooling, and the temperature of the hash board will naturally be much lower. As the temperature decreases, the power consumption of the hash board will naturally decrease, which can effectively save power. After the miner is changed to water cooling, the high-speed fan is no longer needed, and 97% of the heat is taken away by the water cooling. The installation of a water-cooled row and a low-speed fan to dissipate heat greatly reduces noise. The temperature of the hash board is greatly reduced, and the life of the chip can also be extended. , so that the overall stability of the miner is higher.

Суды салқындату модификациясын еңбекті үнемдейтін және тиімді модификация жасаңыз

Қосымша Ақпарат

Салмағы 2 kg
Өлшемдері 20 × 20 × 30 cm
Есептік жазба